Sunday, September 2, 2012

Global Citizens And The Internet Is Our Informant

With globalisation the convergence of media is inevitable for several reasons.  Firstly because of the ease of communication media is not only local and national but also global.  While people are interested in the local man who got put in jail they are also interested in the fact that there have been shootings in America.  If this is the case why is it when you turn on the news, read a magazine or even listen to the radio that all of the stories are the same?  Is it purely the fact that 5 major companies hold an oligopoly over global media? (Jenkins, 2004)

Yes there has been a convergence of global media; we are all up in each other’s business wanting to know what’s going on.  But it comes down to the individual; their preferences, background and needs as to which information they seek out.  This is what the internet has allowed us to do, seek out the information we need.  So yes while there has been a major convergence of global media through large transnational companies, the internet is the primary reason for this.  It has allowed these companies to publish all of their breaking news and content online but  has also allowed for a very individualistic approach through youtube, social media and blogging.  (Jenkins 2004)

Material that was previously unavailable has become easily accessible with the internet. Those who speak different languages can buy books over the internet, television shows or movies which suit your preference can be downloaded and virtual communities form to share ideas online.  In fact all media is available online, television, radio, newspapers, books, music and other forms have in a sense all been replaced or incorporated into the internet.

Reference List:
Jenkins, H., 2004, 'The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence', International Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 7, Iss. 13. 

Welcome to the Blogosphere!

The blogosphere is another development that came with the internet, bringing together likeminded people.  It allows these people to discuss debate and express their opinions about topics that matter to them.  The possibilities are endless, bloggers talk about anything and everything leaving all topics open for discussion. 
Although the influence of blogging is often debated it increases public awareness and the ability to think critically about political and cultural topics.  Blogging may be thought of as a form of journalism providing many viewpoints and experiences but also serving as a databank. (Gill, 2004) 

Blogging has gained a significant involvement in politics with many politicians using blogs. Many bloggers also voice their opinions on global matters such as wars and global warming.  They have become a key factor in culture allowing for individuals to discuss aspects such as food, fashion, art, music and many more. (Gill, 2004)  In fashion, designers and celebrities are now not the only ones the masses look to for advice.  Bloggers such as Elin Kling and HedvigOpshaug have become influential across the fashion scene even being photographed and mentioned in major magazines such as Harper’s Bazaar.

So while blogging may keep mainstream media honest how influential will it become? It is difficult to gauge but blogging has become an important part of the internet as it has replaced a two way communication with communication among the masses. (Gill, 2004) It allows people to gain a broadened, clear and challenged perspective on topics but also to voice their own opinions.  I believe for this reason blogging will only continue to grow.

Gill, K., 2004, ‘How can we measure the influence of the blogosphere?’, University of Washington, Seattle,USA.

Week 5: Are we loosing what makes

Culture can be defined as a state of belonging to a collective that embodies certain qualities that are usually self appointed which distinguish it from the masses. ( Jenks, 1993) The most fascinating thing about culture is it is constantly changing and evolving due to communication and globalisation.  It is only in places that remain untouched by technology that have a constant state of culture.  Many African tribes that are cut off from the rest of the world still live by their traditions and beliefs.    Some countries have slower changing cultures because of strong ties to heritage and certain ways of thinking.  For example in Japan people have adopted many western values yet respect and politeness are still regarded very highly. (Jensen 2011)

Culture in Australia goes beyond football beer and the beach which is because we are such individualistic human beings.    It is my belief that because relative to other countries Australia is so young (being colonised in 1788) our culture is still developing dramatically,  adopt different cultures blending them together to make them our own.  When I look at the music on my computer there are songs from so many international artists, not just Australia.  My friends on facebook come from all over the world and I love Mexican and Asian food!  In piecing together my life these things are not foreign but instead a part of me and my culture.

While culture changes due to outside influences the changes only come about because people are willing to take them on.  This is why facebook has become such a widely used medium and has quickly become a part of many cultures.  There was a need for greater communication and sharing in many countries and people responded to it.

Reference List:
Jenks, C., 1993, ‘Culture’, Routledge, USA, p. 7
Jensen, L. 2011, ’Bridging Cultural and Developmental Approaches to Psychology: New Syntheses’, Oxford University Press, New York.