Saturday, July 28, 2012

What We Really Think About Hegemony.

Although the process of globalisation has aroused many positive and negative perspectives, the increasing clarity of the global hegemony that is emerging is undeniable. We can look at hegemony as being the power and influence transnational companies are developing through the process of globalisation. (Agnew, J., 2004)  In demonstration of sheer size, many of these transnational companies such as Apple hold more wealth and influence than some countries, in fact Ford is currently bigger than New Zealand (Global Trends, 2011).  

However, while these massive developments have been coined as globalisation how much of the world actually sees these changes, let alone any benefit. It is important to stop and think about the ever growing gap of equality, and the effects that this hegemony has. Instead of globalisation would it be fair to rename it westernisation?  Even if this is the case while much of the third world feels either zero or negative effect, the countries which are most affected by the developments also are affected by the oligopolies that are sprouting like weeds.  Is it ok that the CEOs of these companies sit in their ivory towers rolling around in piles of cash while the green grocer down the street has to close his doors because of the enormous price cutting supermarket that has opened across the street?  It is for this reason that the ‘buy local’ idea has recently been adopted.  While I am all for a healthy capitalist economy, I don’t believe that in a globalised world it is ok for the big fish to eat the smaller fish.


Agnew, J., 2004, ‘The New Shape of Global Power’, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 2004.

Keys, T. &Malnight, T., 2011, ‘corporate clout: The influence of the world’s largest 100 EconomicEntities’, Global Trends, retrieved on the 26th July 2012,

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